Table of Contents
1 问题
1.1 背景
在线上fpm的日志里经常可以看到这种 warning 日志:
[20-Mar-2015 15:15:52] WARNING: The maximum number of processes has been reached. Please review your configuration and consider raising 'process.max' [20-Mar-2015 15:15:53] WARNING: The maximum number of processes has been reached. Please review your configuration and consider raising 'process.max' [20-Mar-2015 15:16:04] WARNING: The maximum number of processes has been reached. Please review your configuration and consider raising 'process.max' [20-Mar-2015 15:16:19] WARNING: The maximum number of processes has been reached. Please review your configuration and consider raising 'process.max' [20-Mar-2015 15:16:37] WARNING: The maximum number of processes has been reached. Please review your configuration and consider raising 'process.max' [20-Mar-2015 15:16:42] WARNING: The maximum number of processes has been reached. Please review your configuration and consider raising 'process.max' [20-Mar-2015 15:16:52] WARNING: The maximum number of processes has been reached. Please review your configuration and consider raising 'process.max' [20-Mar-2015 15:17:24] WARNING: The maximum number of processes has been reached. Please review your configuration and consider raising 'process.max' [20-Mar-2015 15:17:36] WARNING: The maximum number of processes has been reached. Please review your configuration and consider raising 'process.max'
1.2 fpm的相关使用策略
使用了一个pool, 200 个子进程,子进程采用 静态 策略(即 pm = static )
在全局配置里,设置 process.max = 200 ,这个变量是控制全部pool的子进程个数之和
2 定位
2.1 源码
// sapi/fpm/fpm/fpm_children.c int fpm_children_make(struct fpm_worker_pool_s* wp, int in_event_loop, int nb_to_spawn, int is_debug) { //..................... if (wp->config->pm == PM_STYLE_DYNAMIC) { //max = ..... } else if (wp->config->pm == PM_STYLE_ONDEMAND) { //max = ..... } else { // PM_STYLE_STATIC //max = ..... } while (fpm_pctl_can_spawn_children() && wp->running_children < max && (fpm_global_config.process_max < 1 || fpm_globals.running_children < fpm_global_config.process_max)) { //............ pid = fork(); //............ } //here,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if (!warned && fpm_global_config.process_max > 0 && fpm_globals.running_children >= fpm_global_config.process_max) { warned = 1; zlog(ZLOG_WARNING, "The maximum number of processes has been reached. Please review your configuration and consider raising 'process.max'"); } return 1; }
2.2 分析
2.2.1 复现前提
在子进程接受的请求达到 pm.max_requests 次后,该子进程就会退出,主进程会重新fork子进程,于是就会走到 fpm_children_make 这个函数里
2.2.2 分析
由于线上采用的是静态生成子进程方式,进程数是固定的,同时fpm里设置了 process.max == pm.max_children
当同一个时刻只有一个子进程需要退出时,从代码上看,fork完后,fpm_globals.running_children 就达到了 pm.max_children,而 fpm_global_config.process_max 就是 process.max
The maximum number of processes FPM will fork. This has been design to control the global number of processes when using dynamic PM within a lot of pools. Use it with caution.
主要是为了限制全部pool的子进程个数之和,针对使用了 dynamic PM
2.2.3 结论
在线上这种使用了 1个static的pool && process.max == pm.max_children 的情况下, 其实是不应该打印这条warning日志的 , 有点多余
3 解决
if (!warned && fpm_global_config.process_max > 0 && fpm_globals.running_children >= fpm_global_config.process_max) { if (wp->running_children < max) { //~~~~~ warned = 1; zlog(ZLOG_WARNING, "The maximum number of processes has been reached. Please review your configuration and consider raising 'process.max'"); } }